What domain extension is this?

.SG is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Singapore.

Who can register for a .sg domain name and what are the special registration requirements/restrictions for .sg domain name?

Special requirements/restrictions for a .sg domain name are as below:

  • Local presence is required for domain admin contact; WebNIC can provide partners the local contact service in Singapore for .sg and .com.sg. Please note that started from Jun 2007, domain name that using our local contact service is chargeable, the fee is USD10 per domain per year.
  • Registrant is require to appoint a local individual with a valid SingPass ID as the administrative contact. Or else, registrant may choose to subscribe to WebNIC proxy service.For the adminstrative contact using SingPass ID, the adminstrative contact shall be “INDIVIDUAL”; for SGNIC ID, the adminstrative contact shall be “ORGANIZATION”.
  • From 20th July 2018 onwards, Administrative Contacts who login to SGNIC’s VerifiedID@SG & RegistryLock Portal via SingPass and CorpPass will require the use of their SingPass/CorpPass Two–Factor Authentication i.e. SMS or OneKey Token one-time password (OTP).


Domain Suffix Usage
  • Applicable for all as long as the administrative contact has a valid Singapore postal address.
  • A foreign applicant may apply for a .sg domain name with it appoints a local agent having a valid Singapore postal address as the Administrative Contact.
  • WebNIC can provide partners the local contact service in Singapore.
  • Applicable for companies and businesses, applicants must be a commercial entities in which either registered or are about to be registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), IE Singapore or any professional body.
  • A foreign company may apply for a .com.sg domain name if it has a representative in Singapore as the Administrative contact, which shall be a legal entity that is similarly registered by any of the afore-mentioned organizations, and is duly authorized by the foreign company to apply for the registration of the domain name.
  • WebNIC can provide partners the local contact service in Singapore.
.net.sg Applicable for network providers and info-com operators in Singapore, applicants must be

  • operating info-comm networks or providing info-comm services; and/or
  • providing data storage facilities or hosting services.

Examples of such eligible registrants include holders of Info-Communications Development Authority (IDA) licenses, operators of data centres, web hosting service providers, providers of dedicated connectivity services and operators of value added networks.

.org.sg Applicable for societies, charitable bodies and other organizations not classified in which either registered or are about to be registered with the Registry of Societies (ROS) or other miscellaneous organizations (eg. Town Councils, Community Centres, People’s Association and Embassies and any other organizations not classified elsewhere.)
.edu.sg Applicable for educational institutions, applicants must be educational institutions registered with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Singapore.

Important notes

  • Registry will contact domain admin directly to verify the registrant details in 21 calendar days from the registration date. Fail to do so will cause the domain be suspended.
  • Domain admin will receive daily reminder until the registrant details have been verified. Verification status can be checked through WHOIS.
  • Modification towards registrant details are subject to re-verification from the domain admin.

What kind of domain extension does WebNIC offer?

WebNIC currently offer .sg, .com.sg, .net.sg, .org.sg and .edu.sg

WebNIC only offer renewal for .per.sg.

What document is required for this domain extension?


However, WebNIC shall require for necessary supporting document if requested by registry.

What is the length limitation for this domain extension?

Minimum of 2/ Maximum of 63 characters is allowed

What is the terms of registration?

1 or 2 years

Can I delete a domain after registered?

Partners are allowed to delete a .sg domain name after registered, registration fee is refundable within 3 days grace period.

What is the terms of renewal?

1 or 2 years

How does the Domain Life Cycle work for this domain extension?

After a .sg domain was expired, it will go through below life cycle:-

29 days
Renewal Grace
30 days
Grace Period
Pending Delete

If partners did not renew or restore the domain name, it will be release for public re-registration approximately 60 days from the domain expiration date. Please note that domain re-registration is on first-come, first-served basis.

What is the procedure for transferring the domain registrar under this domain extension?


Partners are allowed to initiate registrar transfer for .sg domain name.Please note that domain will NOT extend for 1 year after completion.

What is the procedure for transferring the domain reseller under this domain extension?

Partners are allowed to initiate reseller transfer for .sg domain name. Please note that domain will be extended for 1 year after completion.

Please refer to Reseller Transfer for more detail information

Does WebNIC provide Internationalized Domain name (IDN) for this domain extension?

Yes,WebNIC does provide IDN .sg domain name.

Reseller can refer to reseller panel register domain to find out what language is providing.