What domain extension is this?
.HK is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Hong Kong.
Who can register for a Second-Level .hk domain name and what are the special registration requirements/restrictions for Second-Level .hk domain name?
There are no restrictions on who can register Second-Level .hk domain name, it can be register by any individual or business in any country. Generally, there is no documentary proof required except for those domain name applications consisting of or containing a reference to wordings like ‘bank’, ‘insurance’ or ‘assurance’.
For domain name containing ‘insurance’, ‘assurance’ or related words, a true copy of the written consent issued by the Insurance Authority is required while domain name containing ‘bank’ or any of its derivatives, a true copy of the specific consent by the Monetary Authority (MA) is required. Please kindly provide the related document within 13 calendar days from the submission date, reminder will be sent on the 14th calendar day, if the required document are still not yet received within 10 calendar days from the reminder sent, the application will be cancelled.
For both 2LD.hk and 3LD.hk domain name, the DNS of a .HK domain name must be fully set up, operational and connected to the Internet within 30 days from the registration date. If the DNS is persistently do not respond to queries or is not fully set up within 30 days from registration, the registry reserves the right to delete the domain without prior warning and refund.
Who can register for a Third-Level .hk domain name and what are the special registration requirements/restrictions for Third-Level .hk domain name?
3LD .hk domain names are designed for Hong Kong organizations.
Before proceeding with the online registration, please have the required documents ready. Partners may below table for the example of documents which will accept by HKDNR. When filling in the information, make sure that all the data entered are correct and accurate; for those documents related data, be sure that they are identical with stated on the documents, ie. the organization name and document number. Please also ensure that information provided for domain name application is true and accurate. Registry reserves the rights to take back the domain name if information provided is false.
Domain categories | Eligible Applicant | Type of supporting document |
.com.hk/ .公司.香港 |
Commercial entities registered in HKSAR |
* Remark: WebNIC can provide partners the local contact service in Hong Kong. Local contact service is chargeable, the fee is USD15 per domain per year. |
.net.hk/ .網絡.香港 |
Entities managing network infrastructure, machines and services with a license from the Office of Telecommunications Authority of the HKSARG |
.org.hk/ .組織.香港 |
Registered or approved not-for-profit organizations in HKSARG |
.idv.hk/ .個人.香港 |
All residents of HKSAR |
Third-Level .hk domain name registration processing time will depend on two factors: application action and our verification action. We shall process your registration upon receipt of the copy of document(s) Once we have received and verified all the required document(s), partners will receive email notifications notifying results of the application within 3 working days. However, if the required document(s) are not yet received, registry will give a reminder on the 14th calendar day after receiving your application to notify of the items. If all the required items are still not yet received within 10 calendar days, the application will be cancelled.
What kind of domain extension does WebNIC offer?
WebNIC provide Second-Level .hk, .com.hk, .net.hk, .org.hk, .idv.hk, .香港, .公司.香港, .網絡.香港, .組織.香港 and .個人.香港 domain registration.
What document is required for this domain extension?
What is the length limitation for this domain extension?
For a .hk English domain name is limit to minimum 2 / maximum 63 characters.
For a .hk Chinese domain name in the string of registration should not exceed 15.
What is the terms of registration?
1,2,3,5 or 10 years
Can I delete a domain after registered?
Partners are allowed to delete a .hk domain name after registered, however,registration fee is not refundable.
What is the terms of renewal?
1,2,3,5 or 10 years
*maximum 20 years term
How does the Domain Life Cycle work for this domain extension?
After a .hk domain was expired, it will go through below life cycle:
29 days Renewal Grace Period |
60 days Redemption Grace Period |
No Pending Delete |
If partners did not renew and restore the domain name, it will be release for public re-registration approximately 89 days from the domain expiration date.
What is the procedure for transferring the domain registrar under this domain extension?
Yes. Partners are allowed to initiate registrar transfer for .hk/.香港 domain name. Please note that domain will NOT extend for 1 year after completion. If registrant would like to reject a .HK domain transfer, please provide WebNIC a valid document within 6 calendar days and provide with valid rejection reason.
Under the following situation, partner will be charged for transfer fee and domain will be extended for 1 year after completion:
- Domain’s expired date less than 3 months, and
- Domain transfer to WebNIC with proxy service
What is the procedure for transferring the domain reseller under this domain extension?
Yes. Partners are allowed to initiate reseller transfer for .hk domain name. Please note that domain will be extended for 1 year after completion.
Please refer to Reseller Transfer for more detail information
Does WebNIC provide Internationalized Domain name (IDN) for this domain extension?
Yes, WebNIC does provide CDN .香港 domain name.