Microsoft Office 365 Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the information about Microsoft Office 365?

You may find the details from the official Microsoft Office 365 document at here.

What is “tenant”, “subscription” & “license”?

  • Tenant is a record of an end-customer purchasing a program. e.g. 1 tenant can have multiple subscriptions
  • Subscription is a record of a product being purchased by tenant. e.g. 1 subscription of Office 365 Business Basic can have multiple licenses. 
  • License is a permit to own or use a service. e.g. 1 license of Office 365 Business Basic can be assigned to 1 user.

What is “default domain prefix”?

  • The “default domain prefix” is the segment of a tenant prior to “”.
  • A valid domain prefix must contain lower case letters and numbers [0-9, a-z] and has a maximum length of 27 characters only.
  • Please noted that domain prefix of tenant is non-editable after created.

Why do I have an “” domain?

Office 365 creates a domain for each tenant when they sign up with the service, e.g. A default global admin tenant will be created as

“” cannot be deleted. Office 365 needs to keep it around because it’s used behind the scenes for the subscription. But tenant don’t have to use the domain after they’ve added a custom domain.

Can I change the “Country or region”?

No. It is fixed and non-editable upon creation of tenant.

What is the billing cycle of renewal of each subscription?

The billing cycle is either by monthly or annually. Please contact for any changes request on billing cycle.

Can I transfer tenant from another Microsoft CSP Program? I already have a tenant.

Yes. Partner may transfer tenant by selecting “I want to transfer an existing tenant.” during Microsoft Tenant creation in Partner Central. The subscription managed under previous provider will NOT transfer to us, so the transfer is solely for tenant itself only.

How many custom domain(s) can I have on the subscription?

Tenant can add up to 900 domains to their subscription. However, you are unable to add a domain to Office 365 that you’re already using in another Microsoft cloud service. This means that you are not allow add the same domain to multiple Office 365 subscriptions.

What will happen on my subscription if it has expired?

The subscription will be deleted by Microsoft instantly.

Can I cancel the subscription?

No cancellation allow.

Can a tenant have multiple subscriptions (e.g. 2 Annual subscriptions or 2 Monthly subscriptions or 1 Annual 1 Monthly subscriptions) of the same product?

No. Tenant can only have 1 subscription per product.

Can I add or reduce license?

Monthly billing cycle:

  • If license is added, fee will incurred per added license.
  • Please contact for any license reduction request.

Annually billing cycle:

  • If license is added, fee will incurred per added license.
  • Please contact for any license reduction request.

How do I access “Microsoft Office Home” for non Global admin?

You could access it through the following URL:

How do I access “Microsoft 365 Admin Center” for Global admin?

You could access it through the the following URL:
1. and click on “Admin” icon.