What domain extension is this?

.VN is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Vietnam.

What are the requirements & restrictions for this domain extension?

Special requirements/restrictions for a .vn domain name are as below:

  • .vn domain name is no restricted to foreign registrants and no local presence is required.
  • Any organization or individual can register 2LD.vn & 3LD.vn domain name.
  • Vietnamese registrant can only register their .VN domain name via local registrar, and is not allowed to register through WebNIC.
  • Domain name is not entitled to include words which can violate national interests or not corresponding to social morality, lifestyle and national cultural.
    • For individuals: Registrant’s name must be started as “Mr.” , “Mrs.” , “Ms.” , “Ong” , “Ba”.
    • For Organizations: Registrant’s name do not started as “Mr.” , “Mrs.” , “Ms.” , “Ong” , “Ba”.
  • Ministry of Information and Communications Vietnam (VNNIC) reserved the right to cancel the registration which do not confront to the above regulations.

What kind of domain extension does WebNIC offer?

WebNIC currently offer .vn, .com.vn, .net.vn, .biz.vn, .org.vn, .info.vn, .name.vn, .edu.vn, .ac.vn, .pro.vn, .ai.vn, .id.vn, .io.vn, .int.vn and .health.vn.

What document is required for this domain extension?


What is the length limitation for this domain extension?

For 2LD.vn, Minimum 3/ Maximum 63 characters.
For 3LD.vn, Minimum 1 / Maximum 63 characters.

What is the terms of registration?

Between 1 – 10 years

Can I delete a domain after registered?

Partners are not allowed to delete the .vn domain name after registered.

What is the terms of renewal?

Between 1 – 10 years

How does the Domain Life Cycle work for this domain extension?

After a .vn domain was expired, it will go through below life cycle with effective from 10th October 2015 further to the policies amendment from Registry:

Renewal Grace
30 days
Redemption Grace Period
15 days
Pending Delete

After 45 days from expiry date, domain name will be placed in Pending Delete status, released for public re-registration approximately within 20 following days.

What is the procedure for transferring the domain registrar under this domain extension?

Partners are allowed to initiate registrar transfer for .vn domain name. Please note that domain will NOT be extended after completion.

What is the procedure for transferring the domain reseller under this domain extension?

Partners are allowed to initiate reseller transfer for .vn domain name. Please note that domain will be extended for 1 year after completion.

Please refer to Reseller Transfer for more detail information

Does WebNIC provide Internationalized Domain name (IDN) for this domain extension?

No, WebNIC does not provide IDN.vn domain name at this moment.