What domain extension is this?

.CN is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for China.

What are the requirements & restrictions for this domain extension?

  • Any individual from any country can register for 2LD.cn, 3LD.cn and .中国 domain name with their personal name.
  • For organization type of registrant, they are eligible to register 2LD.cn, 3LD.cn or .cn Registry managed CDN (Chinese Domain Name) through WebNIC. Click here to view eligible Country List.
  • Chinese registrant (China region) can only register their .cn domain name via local registrar, and is not allowed to register through WebNIC.
  • WebNIC can provide partners Local Contact Service for 2LD.cn, 3LD.cn and .中国 only. Local Contact Service is chargeable, the fee is USD 10 per domain per year.
  • A .cn application submission is not consider as registered, domain will be under pending status. Supporting document is required to be email to support@webnic.cc for registry validation.
  • No document required for application with proxy service.
  • For non-proxy application, partner requires to provide supporting documents within 7 days from the application submission date.
  • In the event that required documents and forms are incorrectly completed, unclear or hand-altered data, incorrect or insufficient supporting documentation within mentioned period, the domain names applied for will be automatically deleted and refund. In the event of failed applications, a full re-application with the correct full-set of documentation will be required.

What is MITT ICP?

  • MIIT ICP Recording Number is required to enable the domain to resolve in China.
  • China’s MIIT ICP Recording Number:
    – ICP license is a permit issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to permit China-based websites to operate in China. Website owners should apply for an ICP Licence, otherwise the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry( MII ) would not consider your website as a legal one. The ICP license is just like an online business license from Chinese government.
    – China’s MIIT ICP Recording Number is required to activate a successful audited application.
    – If Registrant is not registered in China’s MIIT ICP Recording system, domain name will be on “serverhold” status till Registrant is able to provide Registrar with the MIIT ICP Record Number. Domain status will then be changed to “ok” and be resolvable after Registry’s verification.
    – Registrant need to record the name with MIIT ICP Recording system, after the application pass; email providing the Record Number to WebNIC for domain activation. Plese refer to miibeian.gov.cn for more information on MIIT ICP Process.
    – Note that filling of a ICP request, the recording number have yet eligible for a .cn domain activation. Only recording number after the ICP request being verified and passed is eligible for a .cn domain activation. An verified and passed ICP request will have a ICP certificate.

What kind of domain extension does WebNIC offer?

WebNIC currently offer .cn, .com.cn, .net.cn, .org.cn, .中国, and CDN (.公司 & .网络).

What document is required for this domain extension?

Below are the required supporting documents for a .cn new application:

Company Type Required Documents
For Individual Application
  • Oversea:
    – Registrant contact passport (both sides, jpeg format).
For Organization Applicant
  • Oversea:
    – Registrant Company Business License/Certificate issued by the respective country’s authority (jpeg format), the license should be within the period of validity
    (Example: Business Registration (BR) Certificate for Hong Kong’s applicant.)

Important Information:

  • Documents submitted must be consistent and tally with the information of the domain name. If the document is in Chinese form, the domain information must be in Chinese and vice versa. Only supporting documentation in English and Chinese will be accepted.
  • Registrant Contact person name must be tally and match as per personal ID document. The registrant name must be submitted in sequence as in First Name/名 (Surname/Family name), while Last Name/姓 (Name).
    eg: Personal ID: 李小龙
    First Name/名: 李
    Last Name/姓: 小龙
  • Registry reserve the right to delete a domain name if the supporting documents submitted is insufficient or incorrect.
  • Registry reserve the right to further acquire extra supporting documents for auditing.
  • Domain name(s) that used for website where server is located in mainland China now or in the future, the ICP number must be applied from MIIT in accordance to the Chinese Government’s regulations. ICP number shall be provided to the domain name registrar when available.

What is the length limitation for this domain extension?

Minimum 1 / Maximum 63 characters.

What is the terms of registration?

1 to 10 years.

Can I delete a domain after registered?


Partners are allowed to delete a .cn domain name after registered, registration fee is refundable within 3 days grace period.

What is the terms of renewal?

1 to 10 years.

How does the Domain Life Cycle work for this domain extension?

After a .cn domain registered under CNNIC was expired, it will go through below life cycle:

40 days
Renewal Grace Period
15 days
Redemption Grace Period
Pending Delete

If partners did not renew or restore the domain name, it will be release for public re-registration approximately 55 days for domain registered under CNNIC. Please note that domain re-registration is on first-come, first-served basis.

What is the procedure for transferring the domain registrar under this domain extension?

Partners are allowed to initiate registrar transfer for .cn domain name. Please note that domain will be extended for 1 year after completion.

Please refer to Registrar Transfer for more detail information

What is the procedure for transferring the domain reseller under this domain extension?

Partners are allowed to initiate reseller transfer for .cn domain name. Please note that domain will be extended for 1 year after completion.

Please refer to Reseller Transfer for more detail information

Does WebNIC provide Internationalized Domain name (IDN) for this domain extension?

WebNIC does provide IDN .cn domain name . When an IDN.cn domain is registered, its variant under .cn extension will be reserved under the same registrant as well, and vice versa.

Reseller can refer to reseller panel register domain to find out what language is providing.